Tiffany Markman is convinced that, by the time she has her next haircut, AI will be cleverer and more capable than it is today. That’s why AI can, and probably should, do some of the heavy lifting when you’re writing your content, copy and comms. 

But you don’t want to lose your soul – or your sense of humour. So join Tiffany, live on stage at The Tryst, as she shares the fun, funny and actionable “how to AI” talk that has blown minds in Manchester, London and Cape Town. 

Tiffany will spill the green beans on writing stuff that sounds more human than human, from the basics of using large language models to the nuanced art of prompt engineering. Expect ‘whys’, ‘hows’ and ‘where-to-nows’, plus some laughs and lightbulb moments thrown in just to prove that people are better than robots.

Event Details
Mark Sham
Entreprenuer, speaker, author
The Tryst / Suits & Sneakers / Like a Tourist
Mark Sham is the founder of Suits & Sneakers, The Tryst, Like a Tourist, and a few other businesses that mean the world to him.
Tiffany Markman
Tiffany Markman
I’m Tiffany Markman. I’m an expert in writing. Writing that tells, writing that sells, writing that skills and writing that matters. Every day I try to be a better writer than I was the day before. Some even say I’m the best copywriter in the world.

This is the time that people will start arriving at the venue from. We always serve complimentary snacks and there is also a cash bar available. Seats are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Mark Sham officially kicks off the event by welcoming everyone, offering some context about Suits & Sneakers, and then introduces Tiffany Markman onto the stage.

Can't wait to see you all at the next event!

Free in-person ticket (no streaming link)

With this ticket, you get free access to this event but you do not receive a streaming link or access to the recording after the event. Free tickets are limited to two per registration.

Support this event by buying my ticket (recording included)

By supporting this event and buying your ticket, you get access to this event and you receive access to the recording after the event. You may purchase as many tickets as you like.

Attend online and/or receive a recording link

By supporting this event and buying your ticket, you get to attend this event via live-stream. If you can't attend at the scheduled time, you get access to the edited recording of this event. You may purchase as many tickets as you like.

Pair of Veldksoen + reserved seat (only 15 tickets available)

By supporting this event and buying this ticket, you get access to this event and you receive access to the recording after the event. You also get a pair of Veldskoen shoes. You may purchase as many tickets as you like.

Enter your Google Map API from the Theme Settings panel.

The dress code for this event is semi-formal attire. We want our guests to feel comfortable and stylish, so we recommend dressing up a bit but still keeping it fun and festive. Think cocktail dresses and suits, but feel free to add your own personal flair!

Tickets may be available for purchase at the door, but we highly recommend purchasing in advance to secure your spot and avoid long lines. Check our website for ticket availability and pricing, and make sure to arrive early if you plan to buy your ticket at the door.

Yes, there is parking available at the venue. We have arranged for on-site parking or nearby parking options to make it convenient for our guests. Check our website for specific parking details and directions to the venue.

While we welcome all ages at our events, this particular event is designed for an adult audience. We suggest finding a babysitter or leaving the little ones at home so you can fully enjoy the festivities. Check our website for future family-friendly events.

No outside food or drinks are allowed at this event. We have carefully curated a selection of food and drinks for our guests to enjoy, and outside food or drinks may not meet our safety and quality standards. But don't worry, we have plenty of options available to satisfy any cravings or dietary restrictions.

Event Details