Humans are obsessed with certainty. We crave brightly lit lives where everything is clear, predictable, and neatly under control. But as you all know deep down, we have a secret lust for chaos. It’s messy. It’s unpredictable. It’s where things break, twist, and unravel—and it’s exactly where life gets interesting 😏

More importantly, the greatest creativity, the most daring innovation, and the wildest breakthroughs don’t come from what we know. They’re born from the places we can’t see, the questions we don’t have answers to, and the edges where chaos and order collide.

📣 I’m beyond proud to announce that registration is now open for our second Suits & Sneakers event and we’re welcoming the incredible Pierre du Plessis to the stage for the very first time! ❤️

In his keynote, “In Praise of Shadows”, Pierre will take us on a journey into the dance between certainty and mystery, order and chaos. He’ll show us how our obsession with lighting up every dark corner of life blinds us to the beauty of shadows—the spaces of uncertainty where true magic happens.


1. Embrace the Unknown: Shift your perspective on uncertainty, recognising it as a vital ingredient for fostering innovation. Learn strategies to cultivate a mindset that embraces ambiguity and uses it as a springboard for creative thinking.

2. Cultivate Curiosity: Foster a culture of curiosity within your organisation, encouraging team members to explore the uncharted territories of the unknown. Discover practical techniques to spark curiosity and ignite innovation.

3. Purposeful Chaos: Harness the power of chaos as a catalyst for transformative change. Gain insights into navigating chaotic environments with clarity and purpose, leveraging uncertainty as a driving force for growth and innovation.

Event Details
Pierre du Plessis

This is the time that people will start arriving at the venue from. We always serve complimentary snacks and there is also a cash bar available. Seats are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Mark Sham officially kicks off the event by welcoming everyone, offering some context about Suits & Sneakers, and then introduces Pierre du Plessis onto the stage.

The audience gets to put forward any questions they have!

Can't wait to see you all at the next event!

Free in-person ticket (no streaming link)

With this ticket, you get free access to this event but you do not receive a streaming link or access to the recording after the event. Free tickets are limited to two per registration.

Support this event by buying my ticket (recording included)

By supporting this event and buying your ticket, you get access to this event and you receive access to the recording after the event. You may purchase as many tickets as you like.

Attend online and/or receive a recording link

By supporting this event and buying your ticket, you get to attend this event via live-stream. If you can't attend at the scheduled time, you get access to the edited recording of this event. You may purchase as many tickets as you like.

Enter your Google Map API from the Theme Settings panel.

There is no specific dress code for this event. Please come dressed comfy more than anything. Suits & Sneakers are always a win.

Tickets may be available for purchase at the door, but we highly recommend purchasing in advance to secure your spot and avoid long lines. Check our website for ticket availability and pricing, and make sure to arrive early if you plan to buy your ticket at the door.

Yes, there is parking available at the venue. You can park in front of our building or in the surrounding parking bays (the earlier you arrive, the easier it is to find parking).

While we welcome all ages at our events, this particular event is designed for an adult audience. We suggest finding a babysitter or leaving the little ones at home so you can fully enjoy the festivities.

No outside food or drinks are allowed at this event. We offer complimentary snacks on the night and there is a cash bar for our guests to enjoy. Don't worry, we have plenty of options available to satisfy any cravings or dietary restrictions.

Event Details