Creating unforgettable events, always.
``Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently.``


At Suits & Sneakers, we see learning as a vibrant, ever-evolving journey that combines the traditional with the unconventional—much like wearing a suit with sneakers. As a pioneering social learning club for adults, we offer a platform where formal and informal education merge to redefine the possibilities of adult learning.


Suits & Sneakers was founded by Mark Sham, driven by a vision to democratise learning. Suits & Sneakers empowers individuals through a blend of live events, digital content, community, and active citizenship. Our approach considers the rapid pace of the modern world, treating the mind as an app that needs continual updates to thrive.


We host diverse events featuring a range of themes and speakers, supplemented by curated online content to foster ongoing education. Our community is curious, eager to improve, and enthusiastic about connecting with like-minded individuals.


Our mission extends beyond education; we are dedicated to fostering active citizenship and community engagement. From supporting local businesses and promoting doorstep tourism to spearheading community initiatives, we strive to make a meaningful impact on society. By spotlighting and assisting stellar small businesses, we amplify their success and contribute to a vibrant local economy.


In 2024, we launched a membership program to enhance our community’s experience. Over 60 members currently enjoy perks like early access to events, exclusive online content, and special quarterly meet-ups. This initiative also supports our sister company, Like a Tourist, which inspires locals to explore and appreciate South Africa anew.

Creating unforgettable events, always.
Join us for a trip down memory lane as we look through some pictures from past events!