Meet Future Strategist and Transformation Specialist John Sanei, whose work is to help organizations like yours get excited for the future face of work, the future of leadership, organizational restructuring and the future of education.

John’s approach uses a combination of neuroscience, psychology and strategy to help organizations design inspiring workflows and processes that push beyond the present. Drawing from years of experience in dynamic problem solving, his expertise has helped hundreds of organizations across multiple continents develop future-focused strategies that catalyse them for high success and profitability—well into the coming decades.

In a world where the only constant is change, the unknowable future brings unimaginable challenges that we as a populace must embrace. Life at the edge of the digital frontier means technology advances before our very eyes, bringing abrupt developments in automation, artificial intelligence and data science into our everyday lives—whether we’re ready for it or not.

Organizations, governments and institutions may be planning for today, setting up the correct systems and onboarding new technology, but the changes that will come will far exceed any of our preconceived ideas, leaving businesses in a state of confusion and scrambling.

The future holds unfathomable challenges that can only be combated with careful planning and visionary beyond-the-box thinking.

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