When we think about what we want in life, our careers, or our relationships, we often focus on our desires and the steps to achieve them. But how often do we consider the most crucial element in this journey: Ourselves?

Join us for an insightful event with Dani Donald, where we’ll delve into the core of what drives us: OUR BEHAVIOUR. While mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth are essential, understanding our behaviour is the missing piece in becoming the best version of ourselves.

Key topics to be discussed on the night:

  • Behavioural Motivation: Discover what drives and motivates your actions.
  • Decision-Making: Understand the factors influencing your choices and reactions.
  • Pattern Recognition: Identify your behaviour patterns and how they shape your life.

The benefits of understanding your behavioural lens:

  • Navigate daily life with greater ease.
  • Manage your energy and avoid burnout.
  • Build stronger personal and professional relationships.
  • Handle conflict and stress effectively.
  • Achieve your goals with clarity and purpose.
  • Lead and inspire teams with confidence.
  • Foster healthy family dynamics.
  • Regulate your emotions and reactions.
  • Heal from past relationships and choose better ones in the future.

By understanding how our behavioural lens distorts reality and influences our actions, we can better manage our lives and unlock our true potential. This event will provide you with the tools and insights to see yourself and the world more clearly, paving the way for personal and professional growth.

Event Details
Dani Donald
Behavioural master coach / speaker / Enneagram facilitator
Mark Sham
Entreprenuer, speaker, author
The Tryst / Suits & Sneakers / Like a Tourist
Mark Sham is the founder of Suits & Sneakers, The Tryst, Like a Tourist, and a few other businesses that mean the world to him.

This is the time that people will start arriving at the venue from. We always serve complimentary snacks and there is also a cash bar available. Seats are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Mark Sham officially kicks off the event by welcoming everyone, offering some context about Suits & Sneakers, and then introduces Dani Donald onto the stage.

Can't wait to see you all at the next event!

Free in-person ticket (no streaming link)

With this ticket, you get free access to this event but you do not receive a streaming link or access to the recording after the event. Free tickets are limited to two per registration.

Support this event by buying my ticket (recording included)

By supporting this event and buying your ticket, you get access to this event and you receive access to the recording after the event. You may purchase as many tickets as you like.

Attend online and/or receive a recording link

By supporting this event and buying your ticket, you get to attend this event via live-stream. If you can't attend at the scheduled time, you get access to the edited recording of this event. You may purchase as many tickets as you like.

There is no specific dress code for this event. Please come dressed comfy more than anything. Suits & Sneakers are always a win.

Tickets may be available for purchase at the door, but we highly recommend purchasing in advance to secure your spot and avoid long lines. Check our website for ticket availability and pricing, and make sure to arrive early if you plan to buy your ticket at the door.

Yes, there is parking available at the venue. You can park in front of our building or in the surrounding parking bays (the earlier you arrive, the easier it is to find parking)

While we welcome all ages at our events, this particular event is designed for an adult audience. We suggest finding a babysitter or leaving the little ones at home so you can fully enjoy the festivities.

No outside food or drinks are allowed at this event. We offer complimentary snacks on the night and there is a cash bar for our guests to enjoy. Don't worry, we have plenty of options available to satisfy any cravings or dietary restrictions.

Event Details